First Milk After Birth | 24-Hour Breastfeeding | Momy Land

When to Start Breastfeeding

The ideal time to begin breastfeeding is within the first hour after birth. Research indicates that early initiation of breastfeeding provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Promoting bonding: Skin-to-skin contact during early breastfeeding helps foster a strong emotional bond between mother and baby.
  • Supporting colostrum intake: The first milk, known as colostrum, is packed with nutrients and antibodies that provide the newborn with immediate immunity.
  • Regulating baby’s gut health: Colostrum acts as a natural laxative, helping the baby pass meconium and preventing jaundice.

World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend starting breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth, ideally within the first hour, to maximize these benefits.

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